
Lean or Lean Manufacturing has its roots in Toyota Production System. The key concepts and methods of Lean are as listed below:

1. 7 Types of Waste - Focus on reducing waste in the form of inventory, changeovers, unnecessary activities, idling, etc.

2. Value Stream Mapping - Optimize process work flow through redesign to eliminate or reduce non-valued added activities

3. Quick Changeover (SMED = Single Minute Exchange of Die) - Reduce idle time during man, machine or material changes that happen during the execution of a process

4. Poka-yoke (Mistake Proofing) - Design products and processes in such a way that errors are curtailed or prevented from occurring in the first place

5. Kaizen (Continual Process Improvement) - Be on the look out for opportunities for process improvement on an ongoing basis

6. 5S - Organize and arrange the work-place and work-aids to increase the actual productive time spent during working

7. 3M - Focus on reducing wastes and inefficiencies in the process

8. JIT (Just in Time) - Make inputs for performing activities available as close to the point of start as possible (zero inventory)

9. Kanban (Card System) - Order only when required and as late as possible. Kanban is a pull-type order system for inventory management which supports JIT implementation quite effectively

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