How Metrics Evolves from Level 2 to 5 in CMMI?

Metrics and measurement is core to making CMMI a framework whose benefits can be viewed in quantitative terms and not just qualitative terms. Metrics and measurement relies on data collection and analysis to aid in fact-based decision making. The decisions made are not only for managing business execution but also for improving continually.

At Maturity Level 2 (ML2), the PA MA (Measurement and Analysis) brings in quantitative focus. The main role of metrics and measurement at ML2 is to set the system for data collection and analysis. Here the key aspect is the management of project using data. The other aspect is to create a management dashboard which captures the primary project parameters related to schedule, cost and quality. In addition, additional parameters of interest can be included.

At ML3, the need is to perform activities in the various projects and areas of organization consistently. The PA MA is evolved in terms of consistency of its application. For metrics and measurement this translates into bringing stability and consistency in data collection and analysis across the organization. This makes comparison across projects meaningful and thus improves project management maturity. There is also emphasis at ML3 on using historical data from past projects - consistency in data collection and analysis makes this possible and useful.

At ML4, the focus is on bringing higher rigour into analysis through the application of statistical methods like SPC, Anova to manage the projects much more effectively. In addition, predictive management gains importance - this allows issues to be proactively identified and addressed to better satisfy the specified project success goals. This is effected through the PA QPM (Quantitative Project Management).

At ML5, the focus shifts from management dimension to improvement dimension. Analysis is meant to unravel ways to continually improve the processes. At the same time, metrics and measurement is used to address existing and anticipated issues and problems in a preventive mode. The idea is to establish system which prevents the recurrence (or if possible even the first time occurrence) of issues and problems.

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