Closure of Gaps or NCs

Closure of Gaps or NCs (Non-Conformances) is required to remove the identified weaknesses in Process Implementation. These gaps would be mostly related to process implementation. However, gaps related to process definition are also quite common.

Too many process definition gaps is not a good sign and it is generally considered to be a good practice to close all process definition gaps first, followed by sufficient time and effort on process implementation (the deployment of defined processes as standard practices across the organization).

Only thereafter, an organization should consider the conduct of internal audits and external audits. Internal audits may still be fine if conducted at an earlier stage but external audits due to the cost involved should definitely not be conducted prematurely.

Gaps or NCs in the process (Pg) arise when the observed process (Po) as evident in its practice differs from the defined process (Pd).

Or, Pg = Po - Pd

Closure of Gaps or NCs in the process (Pg) can be done using the following strategy.

(1). Make Po = Pd so that Pg = 0;
Which means start following the defined process henceforth

(2). Make Pd = Po so that Pg = 0;
Which means re-define the process to be in line with the practice, this may require process tailoring or process waiver

(3). Take waiver on the NC (or obtain NC Waiver or -Pg);
Which means the gap would continue to exist but will be considered as waived off (so that Pg + (-Pg) = 0)

With approach (1) it will be fine when it comes to the external auditors. However, with approach (2) and (3) there are associated risks. It would be prudent to take professional or expert opinion on (2) and (3) to reduce any anticipated risks during the external audit.

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