An Integrated Approach to Business Excellence

Business Excellence is an overarching, holistic concept that should be based on an integrated, multi-model approach for maximum effectiveness and highest business impact.

A uni-model approach based on the adoption of a single model from the entire population of Business Excellence Models available to business enterprises, may not result in significant business advantage accruing to the adopting organization.

From a generic standpoint, the sequence of models that are adopted by an organization should be in the order listed below.

ISO 9001
This is like the foundation for the business enterprise to grow upon

ISO 27001
Businesses need to store, secure and use information as a competitive weapon

A comprehensive framework that provides proven good practices for immediate adoption. The best thing is that a business enterprise can choose the appropriate CMMI variant(s) out of the available variants - CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV), CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC) and CMMI for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ)

Six Sigma
Businesses need to work on continuously improving the effectiveness of their business processes. This should translate in improved quality of the products and services through the systematic and measurable reduction in defects and rework

Businesses need to work on continuously improving the efficiency of their business processes. This should translate in reduced cycle time for the production and delivery of products and services through the systematic and measurable optimization of the work flow

Business need to work on continuously improving and enhancing their products and services

ISO 14001
This is about caring for the environment and conservation of natural resources. This not only helps create a good brand image but also keeps a business enterprise away from possible financial loss on account of lawsuits and litigation

OHSAS 18001
This is about caring for the safety, security and health of the employees in the workplace. Similar to ISO 14001 this not only helps create a good brand image but also keeps a business enterprise away from possible financial loss on account of lawsuits and litigation

This is the pinnacle, so as to say, in the journey of a business enterprise on the path of Business Excellence. The models adopted prior to this are enablers for sustained and adaptive business success. And MBNQA focuses heavily on business success ('Results' account for 45% of the overall MBNQA score)

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