When the Head of Operations in an Imbecile as well as a Dim-witted Nincompoop

The head of operations is a crucial role in any organization.

The person in this role needs to be not only smart and intelligent but also fair and highly professional.

However, in several organizations, the head of operations is effectively a joker.

He is there for one reason.

His loyalty to the top man.

When this person is an imbecile as well as dim-witted nincompoop it is very damaging to the professional fabric of the organization.

Several unfortunate things happen in such a company.

This person creates his favorites in the system.
  • The set of favorites are beyond the usual rules of business operations. 
  • The favorites are into R&D for the future, technology innovation, IP development, competency building, brand building and every such thing where they are not exposed to the pulls and pressures of corporate life. 
  • These special folks are basically living a retired life just like the head of operations himself. 
This person acts with a pronounced bias.
  • He needs to keep his favorites in good humor.
  • He also needs to keep those who he is loyal to happy and needs to prove his loyalty again and again.
  • He doesn't own up to the mess he ends up creating every time he does something due to lack of clarity and poor communication.
This person needs to be a "yes sir" barking dog
  • He needs to bark when told to bark and shut up when told to do so.
  • He has no mind of his own and needs to take orders.
  • He needs to oblige the different sirs in the organization who are letting him carry on with the nonsense and mess that he has created.
This person projects an image of exclusivity and seniority
  • He gets a bigger room similar to other imbeciles in the organization.
  • He goes for lunch with other jerks like him.
  • He is there for long time so has become a senior due to loyalty more than merit and leaves no opportunity to show a sick sense of exclusivity and seniority.
Such imbeciles and dim-witted nincompoops are usually hard to tackle.

They, however, do provide a comical, but not at all necessary, relief from the professional hassles.

In the long run, they end up making the organization sick.

Very sick.

Very very sick.

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